Computer Technology Lab
Laboratory Manual
This particular laboratory course is intended o acquaint students with the basic features of computer architecture and assembly level programming and analysis. Conducted on the Motorola HC08 microcontrollers, the course introduces students to the basics of microcontroller programming as well as specialized features such as interrupt routines, analog-to-digital conversion, timer modules and system design.
Getting Started
The course is conducted both on software and hardware. We shall be employing the Windows Integrated Development Environment (WINIde) with its accompanying assembler, debugger, and programmer as tools for our analysis.These tools are available on the PEMICRO folder on your desktop.
1. Double click the PEMICRO folder on your desktop
2. Select the ICS08JLZ folder
3. Help for the different tools can now be seen on your hard drive.
WinIde........for the integrated development environment systemAssembly Level Progamming :Ics08jlw......for in-circuit simulation
Prog08sw ......for flash programmer
Icd08sw .........for in-circuit debugger
1. The WinIde32 Editor : To start programming open WinIde32 and click on new file in the Files menu. A window will open where you can type and edit your assembly code. After writing the code in the editor, you can assemble it by pressing the Assembler\Compiler button( the leftmost on the toolbar) or press F4.
2. The Incircuit Simulator : This can be run by clicking on the next button in the tool bar in the WinIde32 editor or by pressing F6.
3. The Flash Programmer : The next button on the toolbar represents the Programmer. This tool is used for burning the program(the one that you built in WINIDE) into the Flash ROM of the microcontroller.
4. The Incircuit Debugger : This can be run by clicking the next button in the row of buttons.
5. Simulation : This is a tool for simulation (usually the least